Monday, November 5, 2012

Hearing Impaired in the Workplace

Being hearing impaired can be a real challenge in the workplace. The biggest problem is that few understand the problem, and usually the person with the hearing impairment is hesitant to admit the fact.
When in a one on one situation things may be just fine, especially if there is little background noise. In a crowd situation the hearing impaired person may hear, but not understand, 50% or more of what is said. It can be very frustrating in meetings etc.
Sound is made up of Frequency and Volume measured in decibels. In the ear that sound is converted to electrical impulses to the brain. Many things can happen to keep the sound from reaching the brain.
Say someone says the letter "A". That "A" is made of the frequency determined by that person's voice box and the loudness that he speaks. That sound goes out into the room and mixes with the noise in the room. A person with normal hearing in both ears has little problem understanding the letter "A".
But a person that has hearing in one ear only, cannot determine where that sound comes from. And the brain has to work twice as hard to process that sound.
It is a matter of information. With two ears twice the information available to the brain.
Same with someone that has a hearing loss the percentage of hearing loss, for whatever reason, reduces the amount of information available to the brain to process.
A normal ear may process the sound of the letter "A" with this much information, 0110110110011011 to the brain while the damaged ear may only send this much, ------11011---------, so the brain has to look for more clues as to what that information really represents.
If you will notice a person with hearing loss does everything possible to gather clues or information to help in the hearing process. Some of the things are:
  • Looking at your face or lips while you talk.
  • Turning their head so that the good ear is facing the speaker
  • Cupping the ear with the hand
Remember even a hearing aid does not work as well as a normal functioning ear.
I hope this helps you understand what the loss of hearing really is.

Monday, October 29, 2012

The Cure For Old Age

Did you know that aging begins at 30! And every second somewhere in the world someone turns 50! And the quality of life for the average person stops at age 51. After that, it takes medical intervention to manage their symptoms to maintain their “health”. And only 1 in 10,000 people makes it to 100 years old… and a shocking proportion of those people who reach the age of 100 are very poor! “Aging is a barbarick phenomenon that shouldn’t be tolerated in polite society,” says University of Cambridge gerentologist Aubrey de Grey. I Gerald Armstrong the owner of Gen Cells Cures agree. The stem cell research including therapeutic cloning and genomics research needs to bo done now to accomplish our goal of finding the cure for old age.
Why doesn’t everyone want the cure for old age? You tell me I simply don’t understand why more people don’t want the cure for old age. So little money goes into research to cure old age that it’s a crying shame! Maybe it’s because people don’t believe it can be done. Since the dawn of time there have always been critics and skeptics who sit at the sidelines and say it can’t be done or that we are pushing snake oil cures etc. Make no mistake about it Gen Cells Cures has our critics. Food for thought about skeptics and critics: The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has limits. Albert Einstein. Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistingushable from magic. Arthur C. Clark. We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light. Plato. Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the former. Albert Einstein. Science commits suicide when it adopts a creed. Thomas Henry Huxley. In questions of science, the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual. Galileo Galilei.
Main stream scientists are sometimes afraid to get involved in serious gerentology for fear of being branded whackos. Well. let me give it to you straight fom the horses mouth the technologies are now here to do the job. They are in our very own hands. I want to remind you that when Neil Armstrong (I like to call him Uncle Neil) became the first human to step foot on the moon, on July 20, 1969 I knew that humans would live to be 200 years old and beyond with just a little research. However since 1969 serious gerentology has been put on the back burner. Only in the past five years or so has the science of gerentolgy began to accelerate with the discovery of stem cells, cloning and rapid advances in genomics. With today's science nothing is impossible.
Lets talk about 1969 for one second, Viet Nam, Flower Power, free love, a new generation, my generation, we thought we would live forever, and we didn’t trust any one over thirty. I was right there in Hait Ashbury. I know the younger generations since then have envied our time and they should, it was the life! Jimi Hendrix’s guitar was screaming “All Along The Watchtower” and we still had Elvis too! Well, I am a baby bomer and want some of it back. Yes, I am young for 55 but I can see what’s coming around the corner for me and my fellow hippies from 1969 (If they are still alive). And it isn’t pretty. No matter what generation your from, just stop and imagine for one moment what it would be like to have your youth back. Have you ever noticed how time flys like a jet airplane. Something has got to be done and we are going to do it right here in the labs at Gen Cell Cures.
How are we going to find the cure for old age?
Through stem cell research including therapeutic cloning and genomics research.The most difficult part of the nearly unthinkable has already been done. Through therapeutic cloning technologies we can take a patients cell back to the beginning of life. Now all that’s lacking is to perfect these technologies and take them from the bench to the patient. The Koreans human cloning experiments have opened the door wider on therapeutic cloning. We here at Gen Cells Cures have found that the Korean’s new technique of squeezing out the DNA from the egg cell works much better than sucking out the DNA with a tiny needle. Their cloning process was a spectacular achievememt.
Our biologists can re-set your aging clock. It’s just a matter of time. Take a look at your own clock. What time is it? What year is it? How old am I? Where has my life gone? If you want to get the staight scoop on aging contact Miller Quarles of the “Curing Old Age Foundation” or ask Harry Bernstein (“How Do I Move On Without My Soulmate?” Newsweek). From King Tut to Howard Hughes we all face the same dread …No matter how well we succeed in life, we’re all fated to loose it in the end to that pitiless serial killer- old age.
So is Gen Cells Cures suggesting there is a cure right now? Absolutely not, and the anti-aging clinics may be just a little bit ahead of their time. We do disagree with some mainstream scientists in that they do not believe aging can be researched as a disease. We believe aging is at the top of list of the deadly incurable diseases that can be cured. The cure is just around the corner. But the research has to be done and the sooner the better because time waits for no one, no matter how big your wallet is. If you don’t reach into your wallet and do the right thing. Sooner or later you won’t even be able to lift a finger to write the check. Age can and will kill you. Make no mistake about it aging is a disease to be feared. Yes, the disease of aging brings out the fear of God. However, I believe God wouldn’t have given us the ability to cure aging if he didn’t want us to find the cure. Scientists have succeeded in extending the life of some model organisms and humans are next. Currently there is no magic pill. The magic pill will be found in research and to accelerate that research we are recommending private research. You have a family doctor and other specialists. The time has arrived for you to have your own life-sciences researchers. The future is in stem cell research, therapeutic cloning and gernomics!.
Growing old is not all fun. We’re proned to rheumatism, gout, vision loss, hearing loss, and worst of all sexual disfuntion. Some need new knees, new hips, a pacemaker. Aging can be cured the same as any other disease. There is a lack of funds and public support for genuine ant-aging research. Many people tend to see Cancer and Alzheimer’s disease as theoreticaly curable, like polio, but aging as inevitable. There will always be the nay sayers until the cure arrives. We are very excited about the future possibilities from our specialzed research. What good is it if we find your cancer cure, heart disease cure, or stroke cure if we just turn around and let you die from old age. Those of us who have become convinced that aging is the root of nearly all late-life illnesses have not yet won over those of you who have the power to fund further research. For those of you who can see the light at the end of the tunnel for curing old age as we see it clearly shining on the other side of that tunnel may contact Gerald Armstrong from Gen Cells Cures. We can discuss your personal involvement in the cure for old age and other incurable diseases. Yes, even one person can make a difference in our futures and that one person could be you.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Prevent Gum Disease

If you do not know if you suffer from Gum Disease, these are some of the following symptoms of it: deep red/purple gums, they bleed easily when you brush your teeth or poke them, and you constantly feel the need to touch them (such as sticking sharp objects like your fingernail into them). If you suffer from those two symptoms you may want to go consult your dentist as soon as you can and he will give you the appropriate antibiotics to help you rid the disease.
As with any oral disease, most of them are derived from the habit of not having a cleanly oral hygiene. Even if you have a semi-appropriate dental hygiene, you are still at risk of developing Gum disease and other diseases such as Halitosis and Gingivitis.
We always hear how to use appropriate oral care, but do we actually follow those rules? I know a majority of people who do not care for their teeth like they should, and have ended up with oral symptoms.
The most important thing that you can do is brush your teeth 3 times a day (or more if possible), use mouthwash and always make sure to floss. If you keep a good oral hygiene, you will be a lot less likely to develop any sort of disease of the mouth.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Simple Ways to Prevent Halitosis

Incase you do not know what Halitosis is, it is a chronic disease of bad breath. The degrees of severity depend on each different case. Sometimes you are on the verge of getting it, or already have a semi-small case of it. If you keep good and practical dental hygiene you will most likely not suffer or develop Halitosis. Basically the disease will spread by the means of left over debris of food in your mouth.
As we all know that if we do not brush our teeth for quite a while, our breath will start to smell very badly, as well as leave a rather disgusting after taste in it. It usually happens when you do not brush your teeth as much as recommended on a regular basis.
There are different recommendations for a good dental hygiene, but the most typical one, as I am sure that we all know by now, is brushing your teeth 3 times a day after every meal that you consume. Not only is it good dental hygiene brushing your teeth, but is also flossing and possible even using mouthwash, this will get the left over debris that cause Halitosis.
If you are honestly too lazy to floss your teeth (let us hope that you are not), you may want to get a toothbrush that has floss bristles (brands such as Reach or some brand like that have many toothbrushes with those qualities). Just make sure that you brush your teeth, even if it is only twice a day.

Monday, October 8, 2012


A very common disease of the mouth that I am sure that we have all heard of by now called Gingivitis, can be quite stressful and rather irritating. You can prevent this oral disease by the means of appropriate dental hygiene.
These appropriate measures call for brushing your teeth at least 3 times a day, flossing whenever you get the chance (mostly recommended after eating meals or any sort of food), and one of my favorites, mouthwash.
These dental hygiene methods will enhance the chances of you to not develop Gingivitis. Usually any oral disease from the mouth is caused by inappropriate dental hygiene (to put it simply, people who do not really pay attention to whether they brush their teeth or not).
My personal favorite dental hygiene method is mouthwash.
Mouthwash not only kills plaque and Gingivitis, but it also kills most of the germs in your mouth, while lowering the risks of developing an oral disease.
If you start to enhance how often you perform oral hygiene you will find oral diseases to be a lot less of a concern or hassle. If your case is severe enough and you develop a disease from it, go in and make an appointment with your dentist and I am sure that you will get everything straightened away.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Ways to Fight Bad Breath

Bad Breath haunts a lot of us, and we can easily admit it. Bad Breath is quite an easy case to treat when it comes to bad oral heath (so do not worry about it). Everyone develops bad smelling breath every now and then, especially after we get done eating food. There are simple ways to fight breath that stinks by means of appropriate dental hygiene.
Common dental hygiene that actually works quite well is the old "brush your teeth 3 times a day," routine. Even if you simply brush your teeth 2 times a day you will be well off. A simple remedy for bad smelling breath after you eat is to chew on a stick of mint gum or purchase some mints.
I can also personally recommend that you use mouthwash, as it not only kills bacteria, plaque and gingivitis but it also makes your teeth whiter and smell great. If you simply use good dental/oral hygiene you will be less likely to develop severe cases from Bad Breath such as Halitosis (a chronic disease of unpleasant smelling breath).
Do not worry about it though because it is very common to get bad breath that does not smell too pleasant, even if you do keep the appropriate dental hygiene methods. If you have a feeling that you have a case of severe Halitosis (no matter what you do, your breath stinks horribly), you may want to set up an appointment with your dentist.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Keep Good Oral Health

Oral Health is basically the overall health of your mouth. How your gums, teeth and breath are. If you do not perform correct and appropriate dental hygiene, you may end up developing an oral mouth disease. Some cases are severe, while others have ointments that can easily treat the more mild cases. The condition that you keep your mouth in will determine what your Oral Health is like, and what it will be like for future reference.
In order to keep a good dental hygiene you must follow all of the basic steps that are recommended by probably every single dentist that you have come across. Every time you set up an appointment, you always hear them ask you how many times you brush your teeth a day.
If your reply is once, you can expect them to raise an eyebrow at you and tell you to bump it up to three times a day. If you do not brush your teeth very often you are possibly at risk of developing serious oral diseases.
There is a possibility that you can develop Halitosis, Gingivitis, Gum Disease, Tartar, Plaque and other diseases that may even be more severe such as rotting teeth (you would really have to be against brushing your teeth for that one) if you do not brush your teeth. Also use other hygienic methods such as flossing and using mouthwash, anything you can do to help your mouth will just take you one step further away from having to worry about any sort of risky Oral Health.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

New Evidence Shows

A new study suggests that moderate exposure to pesticides could yield long-term negative results to the people exposed to them. These findings should serve as warning to those who indiscriminately spray pesticides around the house, exposing their children, pets and other loved ones.
This new research shows that farmers who used agricultural insecticides experienced increased neurological symptoms, even when they were no longer using the products. Data from 18,782 North Carolina and Iowa farmers linked use of insecticides, including organophosphates and organochlorines, to reports of reoccurring headaches, fatigue, insomnia, dizziness, nausea, hand tremors, numbness and other neurological symptoms. Some of the insecticides addressed by the study are still on the market, but some, including DDT, have been banned or restricted.
These findings will be available online in April, and published in the June issue of Environmental Health Perspectives. The research is part of the ongoing Agricultural Health Study funded by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and the National Cancer Institute, two of the National Institutes of Health, and the Environmental Protection Agency.
"This research is really important because it evaluated the health effects of agricultural chemicals as they were commonly used by farmers. It's different from previous studies that focused on pesticide poisoning or high dose exposures, for example when large amounts of a chemical were accidentally spilled on the skin," said Freya Kamel, Ph.D., a researcher for the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS).
Researchers found that nearly 3,000 participants had a high lifetime exposure to insecticides--that is, they used insecticides more than 500 days in their lifetime. Nearly 800 of these farmers reported more than 10 neurological symptoms compared to those using insecticides fewer than 50 days. The researchers found no significant association between neurological symptoms and other chemicals, including herbicides or fungicides, and only a weak association between fumigant exposure and neurological symptoms.
Researchers found that nearly 3,000 participants had a high lifetime exposure to insecticides--that is, they used insecticides more than 500 days in their lifetime. Nearly 800 of these farmers reported more than 10 neurological symptoms compared to those using insecticides fewer than 50 days. The researchers found no significant association between neurological symptoms and other chemicals, including herbicides or fungicides, and only a weak association between fumigant exposure and neurological symptoms.
Some of the insecticides used by the licensed farmers over the past 25 years are no longer available commercially. DDT, a well known example of an organochlorine, has been banned for use in the US since 1972. Organophosphates, such as malathion, chlorypyrifos, and diazinon, have been banned or restricted for home and garden use in the US. However, some of the pesticides examined, including carbaryl and some pyrethroids, are available to home gardeners, although in different formulations and in lower concentrations, which may make them less hazardous.
"Because the participants in this study are telling us they have never been previously diagnosed with pesticide poisoning or medically treated for any exposure to any pesticide, we are led to conclude that their symptoms are related to moderate lifetime exposure," said Dr. Kamel.
Organophosphate insecticides, such as diazinon, disulfoton, azinphos-methyl, and fonofos, are used widely in agriculture and around the house. With over 25,000 brands of pesticides available in the United States, the use of organophosphates is probably more common than most people suspect. Many toxic nerve agents, used in milary applications are also also organophosphates.
Organochlorines are named as organic molecules bound with chlorine atoms. These include PCBs and DDT. Some organochlorines are also known as xenoestrogens because of their ability to mimic estrogen in the body. These compounds have been theorized to be at the root of a variety of estrogen-dominate illnesses in woman, like endometriosis and in wide spread genetic defects in wildlife like the three-legged frogs reported in Florida.
While this report does focus on farmers whose "moderate exposure" is likely higher than most people in the home, this report should serve as a caution to indiscriminate use of such products in the house and especially in the presence of children and those with weakened immune systems. Many of these compounds were initially popular because of their hardiness in the environment, meaning the compounds last longer to provide more killing effectiveness. This may be a good feature for the economics of agriculture and warfare, but at what consequence?

Monday, August 20, 2012

Stop Fluoridation to Preserve Teeth

Tooth decay declined substantially in prevalence and severity when Hong Kong children consumed less fluoride, indicative of a world-wide scientific trend revealing, with fluoride, less is best; none is better.
In 1988, Hong Kong reduced water fluoride levels from 0.7 parts per million (ppm) to 0.5 ppm. By 1995, 31% fewer 11-year-olds had cavities with a 42% reduction in average cavity rates, according to the Hong Kong Public Health Bulletin (1). Similar reductions occurred in 1978 when Hong Kong's fluoridation rates were first cut from 1 ppm to 0.7 ppm (2).
Hong Kong's dental health is superior to the United States' (3), even though U.S. children consume 1 ppm fluoridated water and brush with 1,000 ppm fluoridated toothpaste. And Hong Kong children use lower concentrated (500 ppm) fluoridated toothpaste (4).
Evidence that eliminating fluoridation lessens decay:
* Seven years after fluoridation ended in LaSalud, Cuba, cavities remained low in 6- to 9-year-olds, decreased in 10- to 11-year-olds, and significantly decreased in 12- to 13-year-olds, while caries-free children increased dramatically, according to Caries Research (5).
* East German scientists report, "following the cessation of water fluoridation in the cities Chemnitz . . . and Plauen, a significant fall in caries prevalence was observed," according to Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology (6) . . . Surveys in the formerly-fluoridated towns of Spremberg and Zittau found "caries levels for the 12-year-olds of both towns significantly decreased... following the cessation of water fluoridation."
* In British Columbia, Canada, "the prevalence of caries decreased over time in the fluoridation-ended community while remaining unchanged in the fluoridated community," reported in Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology (7).
* In 1973, the Dutch town of Tiel stopped fluoridation. Researchers counted decayed, missing, and filled permanent tooth surfaces (DMFS) of Tiel's 15-year olds, then collected identical data from never-fluoridated Culemborg. DMFS rates initially increased in Tiel then dipped to 11% of baseline from 1968/69 to 1987/88 while never-fluoridated Culemborg's 15-year-olds had 72% less cavities over the same period, reports Caries Research (8).
In New York State, cavities and tooth loss are greater in fluoridated rather than in non-fluoridated counties (9). In fact, tooth decay crises exist in most, if not all, large fluoridated U.S. cities (10).
Sometimes stopping fluoridation has no effect as in Kuopio, Finland (11), and Durham, North Carolina (12).
Some countries show lower decay rates in less fluoridated villages when compared to higher fluoridated villages such as in Uganda (13, 14), the Sudan (15) and Ethiopia (15a).
In South Australia, dental examinations of 4800 ten- to fifteen-year-olds' permanent teeth reveal unexpected results - similar cavity rates whether they drink fluoridated water or not (16).
In the United States, despite living without fluoridated water, rural children's cavity rates equal those of urban children, who are more likely to drink fluoridated water, according to a large national government study of over 24,000 U.S. children (17).

Monday, August 6, 2012

Revived and Ready to Take On Lifes Challenges

Sleep Deprivation is an insidious problem that is spreading among populations young and old alike.
Though an occasional bout of insomnia is quite normal, chronic sleep deprivation can lead to serious illness and even injury. Sleep deprivation has been attributed to thousands of automobile accidents, on the job accidents and poor decision making.
People who are sleep deprived tend to be irritable and often angry, thus their behavior is often profoundly influenced by the adverse effects of sleep deprivation.
Sleep deprivation can be attributed to a number of causes including:
  • Stress
  • High Paced Lifestyle
  • Poor Eating Habits
  • Physiological Sleep Disorders
  • Shift Work
  • Illness
Lost production time, accidents and physician costs are rising as more and more people are suffering from sleep problems. Studies suggest that a majority of the population is chronically sleep deprived.
Why sleep?
Sleep is necessary for brain cells to regenerate and for body systems to recover from their daily work. Sleep also rejuvenates the body, mind and spirit; prepping you for the challenges you will face day in and day out.
Not sure if your one of the thousands of people suffering from sleep deprivation? Take our sleep challenge test.
Sleep Test
  • Do you fall asleep within a minute or two of lying down?
  • Do you have a hard time remembering obvious details?
  • Do you feel anxious or groggy?
  • Do you often find yourself lethargic?
  • Would you describe your health as poor?
  • Are you often moody, angry or tearful?
If you answered yes to any of these questions there is a possibility that you may not be getting a good nights rest.
Secrets of a Sound Nights Sleep
So what do you do if you are one of the millions of chronically sleep deprived beings wandering the earth?
There are several steps you can take to ensure that you get a good nights sleep. You can even get a sound nights sleep on just a few hours of quality rest every night. No matter who you are or what you do, there is hope.
Efficient sleepers have known for years that there are secrets to sleeping well.
Some of the more common strategies employed by sound sleepers include the following:
  • Creation of a bedtime routine.
  • Use of a bedroom sanctuary.
  • Minimal stimulation late in the evening.
  • Avoidance of excessive stimulants several hours prior to bedtime.
  • Minimal alcohol consumption up to two hours before bedtime.
There are hundreds of things you can do to improve the quality of your sleep. Natural supplements including melatonin have been used by shift workers and travelers for years to improve the quality of their sleep when outside of their normal sleep environment.
The key to a good nights sleep is figuring out what works for you and then sticking with it. Remember a good nights sleep is well worth the small effort it takes to create a routine. A life lived recharged and revived is worth living.